Nemendur sem hafa áhuga á að vinna verkefni eru velkomnir að koma með tillögu/skilgreiningu. Þarf umrædd tillaga að uppfylla kröfur CPPP, sjá þetta skjal.
Setrið hefur einnig eftirfarandi verkefni skilgrein fyrir meistaranema til að velja, ýtið á vinnutitill fyrir einblöðung:
Field | Project identification | Working title |
Aquaculture | AQ-002 | Operational issues in Icelandic Aquaculture |
AQ-003 | Aquaculture treatment functions | |
AQ-004 | Aquaculture design of functions to methods |
AQ-005 | Offshore aquaculture possibilities in Iceland |
Knowledge Work | KWP-002 | Performance measurements in Knowledge work |
productivity | KWP-004 | Knowledge work and Method-time Measurements |
KWP-005 | Knowledge workers team productivity – management and tools | |
Business Processes | BPM-001 | The use of ‘AS-IS’ techniques in mapping processes |
Management | BPM-002 | Connecting BPM and PM: the case of Iceland |
BPM-003 | Simulating a business process, a methology | |
BPM-004 | Process mapping in Quality Management | |
Performance | PM-001 | Performance metrics: Designing good indicators and their behaviour |
Management | PM-002 | Performance Management in a bank: pros and cons |
PM-003 | Productivity improvements in Iceland | |
PM-004 | Performance measures in SME | |
PM-005 | Performance measures in Quality Management | |
Industrial Engineering | IE-001 | Operations in SME: review and status |
(incl. QM + OM) | IE-002 | Cost management in SME’s |
IE-003 | Feasibility studies, the methodology | |
Problem solving & | PSED-001 | Formalism of Problem Solving in Icelandic Organisations |
Engineering Design | PSED-002 | Problem Solving methods |
PSED-003 | Problem Solving methods: relevance in PM and BPM |